The Wave, Arizona

The Wave is a sandstone rock formation located in Arizona, United States near its northern border with Utah. The formation is situated on the slopes of the Coyote Buttes in the Paria Canyon-Vermilion Cliffs Wilderness of the Colorado Plateau. The area is administered by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) at the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument visitor center in Kanab, Utah. The formation is well–known among hikers and photographers for its colorful, undulating forms and the difficult hike required to reach it. Due to the fragile nature of the formation and the large number of people wishing to visit it, a daily lottery system is used to dispense only ten next–day permits in person at the Kanab visitor center. Additionally, ten online permits for each date are available four months in advance of a planned trip. Fortunately, photographers earned two next-day permits in early 2008. Purchase this high-quality collection of images from The Wave Gallery for special exhibits, device wallpapers, computer screensavers and small-format, high-resolution wall art up to 8" X 10". Get all 16 for less than $3.15 per image!

Price: $49.99