Keet Seel and Betatakin! Back
Oct 20, 2017
These three magnificent cliff dwellings are high on the Shonto plateau, overlooking the Tsegi Canyon system, west of Kayenta, Arizona. Broken Pottery (Kitsʼiil), Ledge House (Bitátʼahkin), and Inscription House (Tsʼah Biiʼ Kin) feature pristine groupings of cliff alcove, pueblo-style rooms, and kivas dating to before 1000 AD. The Inscription House site, west of the main monument location, has long been closed to public access, due to its fragile state and remote location. photographers explored Betatakin and Keet Seel in the summer of 2007 and offers this outstanding collection of 15 one-of-a-kind images for just $14.99. See all of our image captures of these historic sites here: